About Us
Herne Hill United Church (HHUC) is situated on a crossroads at the top of a hill. A crossroads is a place where people’s various journeys meet. And Jesus taught that just as a community on a hill cannot be hidden, so we are to let our light shine. (Matthew 5:14) Therefore we meet together, in all our diversity of backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, seeking to be united as a fellowship of followers of Jesus, with love, care and concern for our neighbours in Herne Hill, the community God has called us to serve.
We value the ministers and preachers who bring such variety to our worship, and we celebrate our heritage in the Reformed and Methodist traditions, but we also enjoy the richness that we receive from the wider, global church and the contribution that each person in our fellowship brings.
Our vision is for our premises on Red Post Hill and Half Moon Lane to be places of welcome and friendship to all who enter in, and to provide a home for various community organisations that serve our neighbourhood. Although we are a small congregation, we have a worldwide vision and a particular concern for social justice, fair trade and the future of our planet.
Our logo is a panel from the stained-glass window in our church. Within the cross the various colours remind us of the diversity of our congregation; and the converging lines the various journeys that we have taken that have brought us “seeking God together”. We welcome all who would come to seek God together with us.

Contact Us
Email: office@hhuc.co.uk
Phone: 020 7738 7434
Herne Hill United Church
Red Post Hill
SE24 9PW
Find Us
Herne Hill United Church
Red Post Hill
SE24 9PW
Room Hire
If you would like to book a room, or have an enquiry regarding availability and prices, please contact our administrator Yolande at the church office on 020 7738 7434 or email office@hhuc.co.uk.